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What to pack for Hurtigruten Expedition cruises

There are several things to remember to bring along with you when you are coming on an expedition with us.

To make packing a bit easier, we have drawn up a packing list, covering both polar waters and expeditions in warmer waters such as the Caribbean, South America and in Europe.

If you should forget something, don’t worry! On board all our ships you will find a shop with a wide range of clothes and practical items. - On board it’s smart to wear ordinary shoes - Bring a memory card with a large capacity – there are sockets in the cabins to recharge photo equipment - The dress code aboard the ship is relaxed and casual and you are not expected to dress formally for meals - Extra shoelaces are also a good idea - Bring a good pair of binoculars - A small waterproof backpack is necessary for carrying essentials - Hiking boots with ankle support for joining expedition team hikes - Please remember to bring your passport and a copy of it - Sun protection - Sunglasses with UV filter lenses - Lip salve with UV protection. Dry, cold wind and sun often cause chapped lips - Money in the correct currency. Remember, our ships also accept several credit cards. - Remember to bring sufficient medication to last through any unforeseen delays - Rubber boots are available upon request, at no extra cost, aboard all expedition ships, except MS Nordstjernen, MS Santa Cruz, and MS Otto Sverdrup. - Adapter for European power outlets if your electronic devices do not have a European (type C) plug.

Expeditions to polar waters – this means voyages to Antarctica, Svalbard, Greenland, Canada and the Norwegian coast.

- Warm winter jacket - Wind and water resistant trousers and long thermal underwear and top (we recommend wool) - Warm cap or headband - You should also bring swimwear to for use in our on-deck whirlpools - Scarf or fleece tube - Warm woollen jumper and fleece jumper/jacket, remember layers are essential - Sunglasses with UV filter lenses - Gloves and mittens, fleece and wool - Warm socks - Bring extra batteries for your camera, as battery life is shorter in cold areas - Shoes with good soles are recommended for outdoors, on deck, and for excursions ashore. Make sure they are worn-in walking boots. - Adapter for European power outlets if your electronic devices do not have a European (type C) plug.

Expeditions to warm areas – generally, South America and the areas around the equator are hot and muggy, but during the evenings, it can cool down quite a bit, especially if it rains.

Fast-drying clothes that can be layered work best: - Inexpensive rain poncho - Sandals or shoes you don’t mind getting wet - Wide-brimmed sun hat - Light jacket (water resistant) that will keep you warm on a cool evening or dry during a sudden downpour - Swimwear, both for use on beaches and on the whirlpools on deck - Snorkel gear - Reef shoes/Water socks or water shoes/sandals - Short and long-sleeved T-shirts with UV filter - Sunglasses with UV filter lenses - Shorts for warm days - Trousers for cooler days - Sunblock - Hydration Electrolyte tablets - Insect repellent with Deet - Anti-itch cream for insect bites - Adapter for European power outlets if your electronic devices do not have a European (type C) plug - Travel Binoculars with strap - USD bills in small denominations for arts/crafts purchases in ports of calls

Penguins perched on the ice of Cuverville Island, Antarctica. Credit: Espen Mills / HX Hurtigruten Expeditions

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